Coming Soon: TK Print plugin and videos

Sean Bagshaw and I have been working for several months on a new plugin to create an organized printing workflow for Photoshop. To be more accurate, Sean has been telling me what’s needed to streamline the printing process in Photoshop, and I’ve been working to develop a plugin that meets his needs. Sean is a master printer using both Lightroom and Photoshop, and most of what this new plugin does is based on his deep understanding of how to make good prints from digital files.

Printing with Photoshop isn’t straightforward. It’s a bit convoluted to create the soft proof, test alternatives (such as intent and paper simulation), adjust color, and fix problems. Sean realized this could all be better managed from a centralized location (a plugin) rather than navigating multiple Photoshop menus. A plugin could also do things with a single button click that would be time consuming or even impossible to do directly with Photoshop.

The TK Print plugin is the culmination of Sean’s brainstorming to improve printing with Photoshop. To make it easy to use, Sean recorded a miniseries that shows how it works, and as usual, he did an excellent job. After watching his new course I finally understood the proper printing workflow in Photoshop, how revolutionary Sean’s ideas for printing truly are, and how the plugin makes his techniques easily accessible to everyone.

Sean and I plan to add the TK Print plugin and videos to our websites soon. Both will be FREE along with special discounts (for a limited time) on other products. Watch your email and this blog for details.