Coming Soon: TK Print plugin and videos

Sean Bagshaw and I have been working for several months on a new plugin to create an organized printing workflow for Photoshop. To be more accurate, Sean has been telling me what’s needed to streamline the printing process in Photoshop, and I’ve been working to develop a plugin that meets his needs. Sean is a master printer using both Lightroom and Photoshop, and most of what this new plugin does is based on his deep understanding of how to make good prints from digital files.

Printing with Photoshop isn’t straightforward. It’s a bit convoluted to create the soft proof, test alternatives (such as intent and paper simulation), adjust color, and fix problems. Sean realized this could all be better managed from a centralized location (a plugin) rather than navigating multiple Photoshop menus. A plugin could also do things with a single button click that would be time consuming or even impossible to do directly with Photoshop.

The TK Print plugin is the culmination of Sean’s brainstorming to improve printing with Photoshop. To make it easy to use, Sean recorded a miniseries that shows how it works, and as usual, he did an excellent job. After watching his new course I finally understood the proper printing workflow in Photoshop, how revolutionary Sean’s ideas for printing truly are, and how the plugin makes his techniques easily accessible to everyone.

Sean and I plan to add the TK Print plugin and videos to our websites soon. Both will be FREE along with special discounts (for a limited time) on other products. Watch your email and this blog for details.

39 thoughts on “Coming Soon: TK Print plugin and videos

  1. Yes, yes, yes! A great idea and would be a great addition to the other TK actions. Adobe is going to want to buy all this for billions of dollars…


  2. That is fantastic news guys, thank you so much for all your hard work. I really look forward to using the plug in.

    Kind regards,



  3. This sounds exciting. I can’t wait to try it. In Ps, I never knew if I was getting the best results. Sean is the person to do it! You to Tony.


  4. Fantastic Tony and Sean!

    This will be a great addition to your plugins. You always seem to come up with just what I am looking for. I print every photo before it is uploaded to my storefront. Along with photography I have an education and career history in the graphics and printing industry, so it is important to me.

    Though I have very good results using the Lightroom Print Module, it has been on my mind recently to streamline the process while already making “for print” adjustments in Photoshop. Some have been rumoring that Lightroom Classic will eventually be going away as well. Adobe’s own instructors seem to conflict with this with more Lightroom Classic “beginner courses” showing up lately, so I have my doubts. Regardless, I can’t wait to get this.

    Thank you both,

    Mark M


    1. Sorry, I’m not familiar with “QImage” so won’t be able to compare/contrast. TKPrint just organizes functions already present in Ps to streamline the printing process. Sean’s videos will demonstrate how to optimize for best results.


  5. Kudos to you both. Tony you know the color wheel in TK9 where we can input hexadecimal numbers. Do you know what the number would be for a clear “bluebird” sky? Is there an instrument that would give an actual color number by pointing it at the sky?


    1. There is a lot of variation in sky color, and it could vary image to image. Color Grading lets you try different colors just by clicking the color wheel. That’s probably the best option to make sure you get it right for your image.


  6. Hi Tony

    I would be interested in trying that. I print a lot for competition and seem to spend ages getting it right despite seeing a tutorial from Sean.


  7. I’m looking forward to the new TK plugin. Just wondering…. “Why didn’t anyone think of this before?”


  8. I agree that PS is more difficult to use as a printing engine and have found that LR offers soft proofing and other options that are straight forward. I am looking forward to seeing how the PS plug in compares with LR workflow. I have found that Sean’s and Dave K’s tutorials have been very helpful and I have improve my photography editing with your panel.


  9. Can’t wait!! A great idea by the greatest team in the field! It will fill a huge need and I’m sure it will be practical, the highest quality, practical, efficient, easy to use, and with a simple learning curve. The sooner the better even if for beta testing! Bob


  10. This is a really wonderful idea! I’ve followed Sean’s YouTube videos to print from PS, but this sounds so much better. I’m really looking forward to the release, and thank you to both Sean and Tony for your continued innovation.


  11. Gracias por vuestro trabajo.

    Esperare ansioso este nuevo complemento.

    Solo una petición,

    ¿Seria posible trabajar con este complemento, así como con anteriores como el pincel de selección, en español?

    Gracias y un abrazote.

    Antonio Solano Jarit


    1. Translation is a lot of extra work, Antonio, not just for me, but for the affiliates who have to do the translation. Not everyone has the time or inclination to do these things for free. I plan to keep TK9 multi-lingual, but other plugins I develop might be English-only. Sorry.


  12. Great news. Printing is a challenging art and you can’t get too much information. Your programming and Sean’s instructions are a real winning combination.


    1. Lots of talking heads want to stir up controversy to help their YT channels, I think, but Adobe will likely continue to innovate and offer things that the “leavers” might regret not having going forward. We went through something similar back when Adobe switched to their subscription model, and I’m glad I stuck with Adobe back then despite the uproar at the time. I frequently get asked if my plugins will work in Affinity, and the answer is “No,” because Affinity doesn’t support plugins like Adobe does. It takes some deep pockets to support plugins, and these Photoshop alternatives probably won’t go there, at least not at the level that Adobe has enabled. Overall, it would take a lot more than some updated TOS to get me to switch.


  13. Tony, Sean, Thank you for your generosity. With which versions of Photoshop is this plugin compatible? Best regards and Good Light! Roger Israel


    1. TK Print should install in Ps 23.3.0, but has only been tested in the latest version of Ps. I only test it in the latest version of Ps and recommend having that to ensure the plugin works properly.


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