Luminosity Mask Masterclass: A new video series by Sean Bagshaw

I’m very happy to announce that Sean Bagshaw’s newest video series, Luminosity Mask Masterclass, is now available on the Panels & Videos page. I’ve included several sample chapters below.  Previous customers should check their email for a private discount code.  New customers can use the following code for an introductory 20% discount:  Master20

From almost the time the original tutorial was released in November 2006, Sean Bagshaw has been a user and proponent of luminosity masks.  He’s been teaching them for nearly a decade and has had significant input into designing the panels I’ve made to generate them.  His first Complete Guide to Luminosity Masks series in 2013 and the follow-up “2nd edition” in 2015 helped many photographers understand the potential of these amazing masks for the first time.  Since then he has done numerous courses utilizing luminosity masks.  His Complete Workflow videos, for example, demonstrate how easily these techniques can be incorporated into the digital workflow and what a difference they can make.

However, it’s been over five years since Sean released a series devoted exclusively to luminosity masks, and this makes Luminosity Mask Masterclass an important and timely update.  I’ve continued to evolve masking concepts over the years, and new masks and new panels are now available.  While preset luminosity masks are still the core type of pixel-based masks, they’re no longer the only type of mask that can be derived from pixel values.  Saturation masks, color masks, and zone masks are now easily generated, and these too can be extremely useful when making targeted adjustments in Photoshop.  In addition, there are new ways to modify masks, new ways to output them, and new techniques that take advantage of these masks’ immensely useful self-feathering character. 

So the universe of pixel-based masks has expanded considerably in the last five years.  Luminosity Mask Masterclass looks to combine this new knowledge about pixel-based masks with Sean’s expertise in using them to provide a detailed overview of their creative potential.  Masterclass is a compendium that provides both a broad look at this masking landscape as well as in-depth demonstration of how to use these masks in specific situations.

The new series is composed of fifty (50) chapters and would require around five hours if you watched them all straight through.  Fortunately, Sean has the content arranged into broad topics that include:

  • Basic concepts
  • Ways to mask
  • Choosing masks
  • Modifying masks
  • Mask techniques

It’s filled with lots (and lots) of examples and includes images, so you can practice along with Sean.  The organization makes it easy to focus your attention on topics and chapters that interest you most and to learn at a pace that feels comfortable.  Additionally, this is Sean’s first course that makes extensive use of the new TK7 Go module, and I’m really happy to see how it performs. It’s instructive to see how he employs it in a wide variety of situations.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy this new series. Sean is a talented teacher and an expert at explaining the way things work and how to do them, especially when it comes to luminosity masks. Luminosity and other pixel-based masks can certainly make a difference in your images, and this course will help you get the most out of them. I hope you’ll give the new series a try. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me if you have any questions.

NOTE: The Master20 discount code expires on November 26, 2020.

One thought on “Luminosity Mask Masterclass: A new video series by Sean Bagshaw

  1. Tony I bought it from Sean yesterday. Didn’t know you had it too.

    Really enjoying all the new features evolving in your hard work and TK7!

    Thank you.

    Kevin Parks

    Sent from my iPhone



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